Our goal: to deliver significant benefits for participants, investors, the Great Lakes St. Lawrence region and its people.
The Opportunity
A Uniquely Positioned Platform
Globally, sustainable investment currently exceeds US$30 trillion and is growing rapidly. Investing sustainably can improve returns, and investors expect that sustainable investing will be the norm by 2023.
The Platform highlights impactful projects in the Great Lakes St. Lawrence region. The Platform’s impact reporting structure, using metrics developed by The Nature Conservancy, ensures that the environmental performance of these projects is tracked over time.
Impact investors can benefit from positive reputational marketing while helping to accelerate the mainstreaming of innovative financing tools. Impact investing can help foster the long-term, sustainable management of our region’s waters while aligning with UN Sustainable Development Goals.
The Platform is aligned with the following UN Sustainable Development Goals:

Participation in the Platform is free and voluntary.
Potential benefits for our participants include:
Reputational benefits
Exposure to more - and further diversified - potential investors
Exposure to more - and further diversified - potential investors
The Platform is a great opportunity to reach impact investors looking to meet ESG (environmental, social and governance) goals, responsible investing requirements, or organizational investment guidelines.
Track and collect data on project performance
The Platform has created a simple framework to identify a project’s potential environmental outcome and provide a reporting system to measure and manage performance over time.
Potentially lower the cost of capital in the long term
The Platform is helping to accelerate the mainstreaming of innovative financing tools in our region. Reduced risk and transaction cost, along with growing demand, have the power to move markets.
Technical assistance
The Platform’s project team includes experts in environmental metrics, project design, and public policy that can assist with developing and implementing projects.
Capacity building grants
Modest financial assistance may be available for initial project development.
Developers of investment products and strategies participating in The Platform are not affiliated in any way with the Conference of Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Governors and Premiers, the States, or Provinces and are responsible for the management of those investments.